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How to play piano, how to play keyboard, learn to play keyboard, piano lessons online | md entertainment

How to Play Piano, How to Play Keyboard, Learn to Play Keyboard, Piano Lessons Online

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Most people imagine that learning how to play the piano is sitting next to a professor learning to play classical music and melodies.

What about those who do not wish to become piano soloists? What use is a traditional system for those who are not interested in learning to play songs by reading sheet music or who don’t wish to play classical or instrumental music?

We have put together a quick and easy method to learn to play piano and keyboards, for those who are anxious to know the modern techniques that follow the current music tendencies.

Anyone who wants to learn to play with a band and accompany other instruments, or play piano or keyboard and sing at the same time, or compose and record their own music would greatly benefit from a more contemporary approach at learning.

We are talking about a modern system which is designed for students who want to play in a band and play chords, rhythms, and riffs.

Adictum Piano & Synths has come up with a super quick method, with short videos to learn and practice the keyboard and contemporary piano. You will learn the most important techniques that you will need to start playing in a band, or to play music such as rock, pop, electronica, etc.

Generally, the traditional way of learning to play piano is strictly reliant on learning to read music, using the right hand to play melodies and the left hand to play chords. In this method you will not have to learn how to read music in order to be able...

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